Coded language

2 years ago

Coded language -

archons - how to rearrange language and to bring it to sound healing harmoically encoded tone. of this pattern of awakening language is the coat of mind.. the skin of thought there is the body of feelingand the body of light and the body of flesh and density. Te unknow reality of the annunaki energy will bring the past to the future in the historic loop which will bring on the event of change.

previously discuss the possibility of traversiving thelocal star system 400 light years with the energy of Sirius which may come to the realization of the energy of a super nova type event which will drvie the earth into a new earth as the gravity of the sun rases to a higher level of density. the movemnt of a planetary system in possible. the apparent reality you have is of limited thinking. the nature of moving the planet will be allowed yet only under the atmosphere of space witin this zone of life breathing throgh our sun.

if you look at the overall health of the planetary system of eath you have 10 know planetary bodies and the only surface civilization left is earth. The earth is at risk due to its own internal problems but the Solar system itself is under reconstruction so to speak. The Droconians have called this a failed experiment and they will adjudicate their interests as stated through the doctrines of sovereignity.

who we are again is the teacher s of light which is in your mind as well as this one.

So in the event of the Draconians simply taking power in this zone and continuing on their path of development on earth the overall problem is the vulnerability of the planetary systems. As we are under the skies and stars of Orion's Ring in the Milky Way Mira lyra - we become awakened to new langues through theintroduction of words in relationsip with others words. Under the scenario of language telepathic langue has no correlation to spoken words and becomes image ...

The time line is coming more completely together an a quick summary is important to understnad the players in the game. - here we go - the lyrans - feminine energy came to and were given the milkyway galaxy of miralyra was brought to the star region of Vega - they were given life in a mutiplicity of forms - all lyran strains. ... are extremely psychic ---

in thealliance of light or federatin there are many star systems which are ligned towards the lighted path and the stream. of all that is and will be the method of understanding this is to kow this is a time space holographic neruobiological model following a particluarization in third density and dimension where it allows for the creation of fully individual beings in the plenum of mind and matter. ... time itself is a lesser component of mind matter matrix of this dimensional field. the charged electrical field of the pleiadians.
as the teachers of light we are mixture of allraces of the seed of the highest as we have been ressurrected as is known and the light body of our being is theprimary energetic behicle. the connection we have with the higher mind and that which is your mind . is the nature of existence as the physical is the out crouping of this greater light. the whole of the focus towards being in the stream is to be in the right harmonic resonance no matter the viration as the bliss of tone is found in alll realms of harmonic entanglement. why is there discord. is because of thenature of frequence and isn this fully structured playground there is a multiplicity of possiblities in each moment of time from each perspective and in each manner though it follows patters of desire or imagination which is part of the higher mind...

when the higher mind is attached and understood the specifics of things are held in a natural way without the mystery or secrecy of the former the patterns of before . that which is gathered in experience never to be brought into creation further. where time has ceased so to speak and that entity is no longer with the realm. in these instances of dislocation from the physical side there is general trauma that is found in the process. the aftermath is settled peaceful and the soul is carried into further eperience on a differnet plane of existence. the simple stuff is real the complex and the fantasy are not.

the necessity to uderstand the ETS and teh races, species and all living and sentient creatures within the worlds is becoming crossed over with the fourth dimensiaol levels of confusioni and withthe inter splcing of realities the human mind is becomoig unable to process infroamtion through its present architecuture.
the upgrade of arctitecture is the implant of the Arcturians as the Annunaki thing, the evil, the archons all of these lesser enties are such as they are in need and want. The unfortunate patter of this jealosly which ois of the dark journey of denial of being and the abudance of being is the resulting laers of disassociation of being from life untl the manifestations of greys occurred.
it is with great remores that the greys have become the drones for a deeper collective hive of AI virus tech which has beome a malignancy which must be considered carefully and traverseed as it is the shadow ofhumanity itself that the Anunaki represent and also in higher levels of thought they are the extension of human development. The pleiadians particularlly the Altans in nordic and aryan representation and after the civilizations of mars were destroyed in the castrophe 25 million years ago on the planet mars. ...this resulted in completed aniliation ofthe atmoshpere and severe astroids and such which were felt upon the earth in the same time period. The transiton from a living to a dead world was catastrophic and affected all the moons of jupiter and staturn. The rings of saturn were formed in this period as the cause as we see the akashic records on the events is that what occurred was interplanetary and level the worlds in disarry from where they were in the cosmos as a living system. All the planets iwere affected to a degree depending upon their orbital motion.
what is being shown is that Saturn and Jupiter ere in a binary position that created a very strong force against maledek which in turn was being stressed by the martian energies. This is the planetary system wide transfromation yet the other part of the process was the Lyrans, ... casseopians - antarians suirians arcturians draconian, reptillian, zeta, atlans, hyadian, pleiadian, andromedan,
of these speies to which many can be see in combination or relationship yet these are primarily 12 energies to gestation of your soular system through resurrection ... as to the degree of destruction that has befalled your Star the journey we see in 100 precessions since the time your axis was shifted to the degree to refrom the world. the timeless journey has passages that are looped within resonance of future and past. The pleiadians have designed the ascension plan with the arcturian and feline Sirian to bring together the magic of the gateway - sirian doorway through which the distance of eath is 8 light years to Sirius and 400 to pleiades - alycone , the blue sun.... the plan is to have the planet resuurect with the Sun and basically teleport the star system to within alycone ... all see one .

The milky way family are all connected through the founders and in the way that the lrans began the biological processes of genration of the emotional body, the feeling, the feline side of the lyrans is the key component of the underlying wisdom of the energetic design of this species. The fundamnentals are contained in the mind and as the pleiadians tlized the medium of water to begin the biological desing withthe dolphin., whale and mamals of the seass... the avians of the first design were of the cassiopian and arcturians as though both have moved beyond the limiteationsof symbolic forms to pure sphers of ligh withthe cassopians being pink and the blues ones are arcturians. it is others who have this capacity yet they are also kown as noens in that they are energetic pimarily at this point and operate completely telepathically without phyiscal form althoght drones and other vehicles of expression can be sued as tools. The andromedans are the angels of the trillion spris sun of andromeda. the divine life of andromeda is the call to our heats for the sound which lyrans were born from and our ancestry listens to andromeda call us to home ...

even as the tahers of light are aware of eachof these dimesnions the purose of the message is to bring back to the point of language and the higher mind. that whichopens doors of perception and those whoich are the pathways of creation. To use the higher minid where there is a greater latitude of expression and one can being to appreciate and in gratitude see creation begin and contineu. there is a perfect peace in theplace of equilibruium and the mistures of all thought in the mind stream is the connectie tissures likethe skinofthe mind ..

when we speak in coded language it is coded to the telpathic sentinel. tose who are aware before it is seen and see it before it is known which is why they are found to be rebels in the face of structure.

the skinof he mind the energy of it is the body. it is the body which has the in this situation an infected level of questionwhich will be found in the future to be true. future proves past. the past is that which ther is a planet in the solar world of a star that has nine associated planets that are all lacing surface civilizations. there are underground civilization on some ofthe planets and moons and the moons of jupiter ganamede not but europa have life . and there is anotehr one . it is known as Chiron yet its life is twisted through theorbital motion and it is something to be considered in the nature of things ... niburu is a active energectic enrgy to bring the earth back to the pleiades is one scenario that can be more acceptedable than a telepaortaion . this could occur withlimited damage as the time period would take many many centuries of which is the path the milky way is on. the intermixing with the pleiades is the plan . the method of transportation is stillb eing considered as the life forms on the planet are of great consideration .

The Drconains have demanded original jurisdiciontionover this solar system and region of space and have created a large dynastry through the Orion system. The Zeas and the reptilliaqns are of grey nature. the reptillian is the falln angels of he energy that was once the lyran and dragon which became draconian and human which moved to become grey and or reptilian . you have may have written this before and so you may know the higher mind within you . although you know this that the grey are falled human and the reptilian are falled Draconian - 10

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