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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello and welcome to this video on How Girls REALLY Want You To Talk To Them.
0:04 The following five minutes may shock, scare, and change how you perceive and interact with women.
0:12 These are the laws that everyone sees being broken. The second set of rules won't get you arrested and may help you start conversations with women, one of the biggest challenges males confront.
0:46 Indirect communication conveys information without explicitly saying it, avoiding impoliteness. Indirect communication often backfires, especially if you're a male.
01:12 Consider your last rejection. "You're cute, but I'm not interested" may have been your crush's response to your date request. She won't tell you she doesn't want a romantic connection with you because you're ugly.
.01:43 Direct communication, on the other hand, is the polar opposite, and it was the norm for men until quite recently. However, many men nowadays prefer indirect communication, which can lead to complications when interacting with women and even other males.
01:59 A lot of guys get it wrong. Try to picture yourself at a restaurant, where the waiter has just asked whether you're ready to place your order. Many men would tell a waitress that they would like the chicken alfredo and then look astonished when she shows little interest in them.
02:23 Let's assume the waitress asks you what you'd like to eat again, and this time you respond, "Yes, I'll have the chicken alfredo," rather of asking whether you may have the chicken alfredo. You are not asking for permission, both in what you are saying and how you are saying it. In other words, you're telling her that the chicken alfredo is going in your stomach regardless of her preferences.
02:42 Keep in mind that attraction is an instinct over which both sexes have absolutely no say. Generally speaking, most ladies have an internal "attraction button" that gets pressed when a guy speaks to them confidently and assertively.
03:25 Men who are more accustomed to a subtler style of communication will appreciate you more if you can command attention with a straightforward delivery. Girls are more likely to avoid confrontation than boys because, from an evolutionary perspective, they are more fragile than men.
04:30 The crucial aspect of direct conversation with both women and men. If this is what you're saying, then it's cause for cautious optimism. So, when you speak to another person, use a tone that conveys complete assurance that they will comply with your request or accept your suggestion.
04:55 Since most of our time is spent conversing, the sooner you can begin to sound more like a warrior when you speak, the sooner attractive women and men will start to take notice of you. It's natural to feel uncomfortable if you've spent your entire life avoiding confrontation and using passive language. A bike seemed completely strange till I got out there and started exercising it in the same way. You probably felt awkward the first time you tried to write it, but that's okay since that's the only time real personal development can take place.
05:43 What's important today is not who you were, but who you may become. Start any statement with a direct, attractive request. Women don't care if you were formerly a shy, insecure person. You exhibit confidence and courage by standing up for something that may be unpopular. Today's men communicate indirectly because they think it's nice.
We spend most of our time talking, thus the sooner you can sound like a warrior, the sooner ladies and boys will regard you as one. It's strange if you've always spoken obliquely and weakly. When you practiced it, a bike felt weird. It was difficult the first time you wrote it, but it's the only time you develop as a person.
06:36 Big movies in theatres just show the completed result. The repetition and innumerable takes for the final result are not visible. Girls, don't care if you used to be a timid, insecure person, just like you would still be attracted to a lady who was extremely overweight as long as she's healthy and gorgeous. All that counts now is who you are and can become.
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