Episode 95 It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a f*cking chem trail?

1 year ago

In this episode, we continue talking “conspiracy theories” and chat about what the F is happening in our skies.

AND BEFORE WE GET DRAGGED, we know nothing. We are NOT professional sky people BUT the weird shit we find on the interwebs makes us question so much.

Like why is everyone sicker?! Why are there grids in the sky?! Why are farmers warning of the weird shit they see in their crops and animals?!

We have no idea but when you see people like Bill Gates invovled in farming and geo engineering…. You have to look a little deeper. So we did 😈 Did y’all know about geo engineering?! Did y’all know they used weather mods as a war weapon against Vietnam?!

Do you know there was a treaty signed to ensure it wasn’t used against each other in the world?! Ya…. because weather mods are REAL so there’s that.

Now….riddle us this…. Do you ever wonder why some weather is so extreme or convenient or do you ever wonder WHY some worlds are third world while others live in palaces over mounds of gold and claim to be helping the world?!

“He who controls the weather, controls the world”.

Think about it before you just deem it conspiracy. Like the fires in BC in 2020…. Where a doctor was researching and calling out the clap AND WOULD YOU GUESS IT…. It all burned down in the Lytton fires. You wanna tell us that’s ANOTHER coincidence or are you starting to see it?!

Maybe the shit they are dropping in the air to prevent the earth exploding is actually coating the forest with flammable substances…? Conspiracy or coincidence?!

You tell us what you think!!

PS we almost didn’t get this episode! There was an error during recording and we almost lost it all. We were able to retrieve the episode but there are places the audio drags :( we got a new editing program now so looking forward to fixing these things in the future! Thanks for being patient as we learn 🫶🏻

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