Autopiloting in heavy winter conditions

2 years ago

Autopiloting in heavy winter conditions where the automode keeps the distance between cars and keeps the car between lanes. Is this tech good? Maby on the short run as it will reduce some accidents (even though if a fog hits hard then the visual sensors start to work) but on the long run no its not good to be ever more dependent on everything that is automatic. It will force cars to go fully automatic in the future and manual driving to be banned. Technology will always reach a point when it will make people complacent and lazy, not practicing their driving skills which everyone should. Also computers are not perfect, there are reports of crashes done because of autopilot:
and basically any driver can blame the system
Robots can be used to not assume responsability, personal responsability and this is what the NWO wants, to hide under their own creations: the robots.

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