Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of Circumcision of Christ Our Lord...1 January 2023 AD...

2 years ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of Circumcision of Christ Our Lord, Holy Day of Obligation...1 January 2023 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of Circumcision of Christ Our Lord...1 January 2023 AD...Holy Day of Obligation in the Universal Roman Catholic today's Gospel and in the life of Christ Our Lord it is reflected upon His obedience in His human nature to His own Divine Law which He gave to the Patriarch Abraham, that of the Circumcision, which being no longer obligatory as the same has been replaced by the Sacrament of Baptism, much higher in dignity and supernatural efficacy, the Holy Mother Church celebrates the today's Feast of Circumcision to teach Her faithful humility, imitating in it God Himself Christ Our Lord, Who made Himself subject to His own Divine Law which He as God gave to the mankind to follow, and teaching by His own holy example that the Law of God is binding unto holy obedience the whole of the human race unless God makes it no longer so, and this by perfecting it in the religion of the New Testament which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition...excluded are of course all those who will not obey the constraints of the truth in this same and only true Catholic religion, themselves thus set to fall and ultimately pay for it to God in Hell forever, as outside of His true Catholic Church Divine Institution there is absolutely no salvation...


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