
2 years ago

Child Predators count on us not understanding just how dark their hearts are, and how much deviant pornography they have consumed to reach such a state of inner psychopathy... to where they can target, groom, and use minors for their own deviant sexual gratification. They also count on lawmakers going easy on offenders in terms of the Sentencing Guideline and the criminal penalties they enact, when such an offender is "only " found in possession of child pornography... which inevitably also means the distribution/dissemination of the same kind of heinous material. And, that is why 'Shattered' is such an important film, as it is intended to help lawmakers understand that the possession and distribution/dissemination of child pornography by an offender really is only the tip of the iceberg of the harm they are causing, and that such offenders are inevitably doing much more behind closed doors.

I am honored to have played a part in the production of this important film, as I was able to share insights from my years of clinical work, treating both sexual abuse survivors and sexual predators. I trust it will open the eye of many, so that we can help lawmakers understand that our sympathies must be with the victims of sexual offenders, and not toward the offenders. Also, they must understand that only a tough approach to such offenses will increase public safety, and help to prevent future victims.

From the original description of the film::
"With gripping statistics and testimonies from law enforcement officers, a lawmaker, and victims, SHATTERED breaks the silence on Minnesota’s feeble sentencing guidelines for predators convicted of crimes involving child sexual abuse imagery. Is Minnesota becoming a “catch and release” state for predators?
Watch this documentary then go to Protect Minnesota’s Kids Act ( to learn how you can be part of the solution.
Note: This video is not intended for children."

For information on Jon K. Uhler, LPC's work with sexual predators, visit:

For information on Jon K. Uhler, LPC's work with Survivors, visit:

Jon K. Uhler, LPC's blog can be accessed at the following:

To access the original version of this film, and The Child Protection League of Minnesota, visit:

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