The World is Perfect | Patriarchs

2 years ago

Every way that we can conceive of the world demands that we accept it as being perfect.

If we see the world as fundamentally ordered, the Order that we can label as God, then we must accept that everything that arises out of that Order is as intended, and perfect.

Any claim that some circumstance or condition is less than ideal and not as it should be would imply that the Order, God, is fallible and had made a mistake.

If we assume that there is no Order, and the world is random and chaotic, we still have to ask and almost invariably claim that the human intellect still exists and is a product of and within this random nature.

But an intellect, a rationality, even when contained exclusively within individual humans implies outcomes that are determined that are determined by rational decisions.

Positive desirable outcomes would be the result of proper and effective use of the intellect.

And negative undesirable outcomes, the result of flawed reasoning or emotional decision-making.

The cumulative result of isolated human intellects within a random world would still constitute a perfection.

Any claim that a situation is suboptimal would be a challenge to the intellect and an appeal to the influence of natural randomness.

These boundaries between order/intellect and randomness are still defined and this conception of reality as a random one within which intellect blossoms is untenable.

The perfection and order that we easily observe can't be conceived away and must expand infinitely to encompass the entire universe.

The highest intellectual realization is that of the perfection and Order of the entire universe, and the awareness that the lens of the individual intellect must be identical to the conception of the universe as a whole.

A flawed intellect is equivalent to a flawed universe and can't be trusted to make an accurate judgment.

A perfect intellect observes a perfect universe and is the only intellect deserving of recognition.

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