Rapture Ready : Staying or Going?

2 years ago

If you have never seen from Scripture that the Rapture will not include all believers, this teaching might shock your flesh; it could very well anger you. Truth oftentimes makes us mad before it sets us free. We know that unbelievers will be left behind at the Rapture. But the Bible is clear that some BELIEVERS will be LEFT BEHIND too.

Because of incomplete teachings about the Rapture in the modern church, such a doctrine is considered almost anathema. But there it is, plainly stated among other places in the Parable of the Virgins. And once you see it – there will be no going back. You'll just want to be Ready when Jesus appears. Don't get mad. Get ready and stay ready.

When Jesus Returns as recorded in Revelation 17:14, the believers are all with Him, but if you'll notice they have three different levels of reward and place with Him. First the Called, then the Chosen, finally the Faithful.

Everyone is Called by God, a calling is simply an Invitation. An invitation to what? His will and plan for their life. It can be answered or rejected. Only those that answer the Call and stick with it become the Chosen or the elect. It is a process as we must all grow up to be like Jesus. According to the Bible, the Chosen are the ones who find out and have the opportunity to Do what God created them for. That is why many are Called but few are Chosen.

The way is straight and narrow, remember. Chosen is what Jesus' disciples had become by the end of Christ's earthly ministry. "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you" (John 15:16 NASB).

Finally among the Chosen, there are those who were Faithful with His Call and plan for their life. They are the ones who became fruitful, doing what God called them to and becoming productive at it. It takes much time and obedience to be proven Faithful. As one Pastor put it, "a long obedience in the same direction." It is a per individual thing, so no one can be faithful for you.

- Pastor Nicholas

+ Brother Greg Mullins' rapture chapter :

Word Resources –

Ministry home site : https://www.muchgrace.church/
Prophet's book : https://www.tribulation-saints.com/
Pastor's book : https://simplicityofchrist314608717.wordpress.com/

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