A poem

1 year ago

The moon is my companion
As I wander through the night
Her soft, silver light guides me
As I journey out of sight

The stars are my companions
As I cross the endless sky
Their twinkling, fiery pinpricks
Never fail to catch my eye

The wind is my companion
As I roam through fields of green
Her gentle, rushing whisper
Brings peace to my troubled mind

The world is my companion
As I live my life with grace
Its beauty and its wonder
Inspire me to find my place

The sun is my companion
As I wake up each new day
Her warm, golden rays embrace me
And chase the night away

The earth is my companion
As I walk upon its ground
Her solid, stable presence
Keeps my feet firmly bound

The sea is my companion
As I sail the endless deep
Her endless, rolling waves
Rock me gently as I sleep

The sky is my companion
As I look up to the blue
Its endless, open expanse
Inspires me to dream and do

The fire is my companion
As I sit by the flickering glow
Its warm, comforting light
Helps me to let go

The mountains are my companions
As I climb to the highest peak
Their rough, rugged beauty
Makes my heart feel complete

The forests are my companions
As I wander through the trees
Their dense, green canopy
Shelters me from the breeze

The rivers are my companions
As I follow their winding course
Their sparkling, flowing waters
Lead me to my source

The world is my companion
As I journey through my life
Its love and its companionship
Ease my troubles and my strife

The rain is my companion
As I stand in the open air
Its gentle, soothing shower
Washes away my care

The snow is my companion
As I venture out in the cold
Its crisp, white blanket
Makes me feel young and old

The world is my companion
As I travel through my days
Its wonders and its mysteries
Inspire me to find my way

The animals are my companions
As I roam through fields and glades
Their wild, free spirits
Inspire me to be brave

The flowers are my companions
As I wander through the gardens
Their bright, colorful petals
Fill my heart with gladness

The insects are my companions
As I explore the earth
As small as they may be
They have worth

The world is my companion
As I live each day with joy
Its wonders and its wonders
Bring me endless delight and poise

The trees are my companions
As I sit and watch the sky
Their tall, strong branches
Reach up to the high

The clouds are my companions
As I watch them drift and dream
Their ever-changing shapes
Inspire me to scheme

The waves are my companions
As I stand by the seaside
Their crashing, rolling motion
Is a constant, soothing guide

The world is my companion
As I make my way through time
Its love and its companionship
Are always mine

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