1 year ago

Please watch with an open mind, maybe my thoughts are wrong maybe the upper levels get better. All I can say is it's no wonder they make it secret because no one would ever get themselves in a position to be sucked into it if it weren't. Hoping they start to realize it and come to the Good side. Sounds kind of Jewish doesn't it? Something Rabi Finklestein would promote? What do you think?

Pretty interesting that people who think like this are the Heads of Police stations, Businesses, GOP, Government agencies you name it. I'm really hoping they come out of there brain washing before it's too late for their souls. Sounds like Skull and Bones and other secret societies, doesn't it? Hopefully there are some and I'm sure there are good people who wake up before Satan gets something to hold over their heads and make them hurt children or hump a goat whatever they have to do to prove they are worthy enough to worship their god.

Abert Pike sure was a good fella wasn't he? As Brandon would say Come on Man ..... be wife dude .... please

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