Two Kinds Of People | And Some Of The Aren’t All Hueman Part 1 of 2

2 years ago

Two Kinds Of People |
And Some of them aren’t all Hueman
Part 1 of 2
Scripture Text Near The Bottom

Let’s go back about 2000 years to discover the old new names of the Cabal, the New World Order, the Elites, the Merovingian dynasty, the Phoenician Peoples, the Caesars, the Bloodline families, the Canaanite families et al, each an evil force to be reckoned with.

These families have changed their sire name every generation so they cannot be traced in their linage and yet if you ask them outright, they will tell you their heritage goes all the way back to Cain. They are all vampires!

Paul is writing an-open-letter to a group of newly minted Christians in Rome, Italy.
Paul is going to open the eyes of these men and women by telling them the truth about the Caesars and Publicans of Rome about the backdrop of their society is a façade. As is ours!

Paul is a Roman citizen, an insider, and an attorney. Turned whistleblower on the Roman Elite society of his day.

These new believers, are naïve Romans, even though they live, work and have their families in Rome. They know little of what the Roman Elite do besides start wars and collect taxes.

And hasn’t that been the fate of many of us until recently? The entire undergirding is eaten away from the government structure and is in danger of a collapse any day. That’s not bad news, that’s good news!

Starting Romans 1:17 Paul begins to tell us how we are to live in “the world.” A copy of the scriptures is copied below.

On the one end the spectrum “the just” shall live by faith in God and on the other end of the spectrum is the man of sin who has denied God.

Not just denied the existence of God, knowing who the Creator is, but denying that the life force in them does not any relevance in, or is not the source of any power in, their life.

Not so for you and I.

17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed, both springing from faith and leading to faith [disclosed in a way that awakens more faith]. As it is written [true] and forever remains written [true], “The just and upright shall live by faith.”

*Note. Then the converse is also true.
The faithful live by being just [fair] and upright [truthful].

The Purveyors Of Evil
And How They Became Evil

First Century CE, Roman society, for the next 2000 years, will be epicenter of the worldwide practice of homosexuality, lesbianism, cannibalism, satanic ritual murder, the drinking of blood and the imbibing of diverse bodily fluids.

Theologians and preachers in the past have looked at these lines in scripture and believed they signified the common man.
I believe Paul was writing about a specific group, the Cabal, the Roman Beast System. That same Old Hag from the beginning who polluted our Home world with the seed of the devil, Satan.

Also called the Canaanites of old from the Land of Nod. The thirteen blood line families who Rule this world, who is the god of this World.
The Earth is a captured operation.
Reference 2 Corinthians 4:4

Then in verse 18, Paul begins his thoughts on what system these newly released slaves are going to live with their eyes opened.
They also must be persons who has NO debts, you cannot serve two masters.

The Beast System.

The Roman Beast System is the same system we live in today. The only difference is it is called by different names.

The Deep State, the World Economic Forum, the USAinc, the Council on Foreign Relations and many many more names.

We are in an epic battle to free Planet Earth – Mankind. We are in The Apocalypse, meaning we are in The Revealing, The Revelation.

Revealing what? We will be afforded to look at the Beast System in all its horror. Revealing the Beast System in the DUMBS, Hueman Trafficking, the murder of innocent life.
We will see what God does to blasphemers.
God wants to show us the worm who never dies.
This is the Revelation.

Adrenochrome, using hueman life as a drug –. The “life”is in the blood.
Reference Leviticus 17:11

Just The Tip of The Iceberg
3 Free videos
Approximately 7.00.00

We already know of alternate lifestyles that have sprung to life in the Beast System.

And what does the Beast System do; they suppress fairness and stifle the truth, et al social media, including the MSM.

But God is ever faithful to reveal himself to even the most spiritually backward person.

The Secret Prince Di Knew

We are plagued with a plague because there are some among us, who are arrogant to believe, they are the chosen to live and reign on the Earth.
They suppose because of their linage as born first on Earth, albeit from the seed of a Reptilian and egg of a Hueman woman. That makes them kings?

Their Father is an trespasser/invader.
Defiled the Hueman Eve, a crime against huemanity.
Seduced another man’s wife, a crime against the sanctity of marriage.
His son, Cain, kills Able.
Cain drinks Able’s blood and eats Able’s flesh.
Then cries about it when he’s told the consequences of actions.

The Canaanites believe they are the chosen of the Earth, when in fact they hate the Earth and want to change it to fit their reptile brethren.
tHey are a Chimera. Half man and Half serpent, they need adrenochrome to keep a hueman form. They are always fighting the spasms of schizophrenia so they must kill, to drink, to survive. A curse placed on Cain and his descendants by God.
There are literally thousand of pictures on the internet. Enter “shapeshifter” into your search engine.

Shapeshifter Prince Philip
They are not all hueman.

Man? Man was made of the Earth for the Earth, not so the the Chimera.

They claim a legal right because of the Chimera being the first born in the New World. A law unto themselves, a stolen birthright.
Satan is called the god of this whirl.
Reference 2 Corinthians 4:4

They believe they are wise (in magic and highly intuitive) but in their wisdom they professed themselves (arrogant) fools.

Ever learning but never coming to knowledge of the truth.
Reference 2 Timothy 3:7

Paul is telling his Roman students, that God himself is against any people who stifle and suppress the truth.
Sounds like Silicon Valley is soon to have a come to Jesus meeting.

Oh yes, the Roman Elite are a special class of half-hueman and half-reptile, a hybrid hueman. A mix of Eve, a God formed Hueman and the Reptile, who the Bible states is Lucifer or Satan a fallen Angel, who seduced Eve.

God will give everyone an opportunity to be kept from judgement, meant for the Satan and his minions. Then Paul tells them all of the methods God uses to prick their conscience, so we don’t feel obliged to feel sorry for them. .

20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made], so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defense.

Remember Paul is an attorney. So he thinks in legal terms.

21 For even though they knew God [as the Creator], they did not honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasonings, and silly speculations], and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Claiming to be wise (magicians), they became fools, (arrogance is a family trait)

23 and exchanged the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God for an image [worthless idols] (and symbols, symbolism will be their downfall) in the shape of mortal man and birds and four-footed animals and reptiles.

These are now reprobate souls, these souls are now set adrift away from God because they did not want to acknowledge God as God.

“The [reverent] fear of the Lord[that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the beginning and the preeminent part of wisdom [it is the starting point and its essence],
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding [comprehension] and spiritual insight [far-sight].”
Psalm 10: 9

If you decide to not regard God as the beginning and the end of every conversation and in every activity, then inevitably you will be led into foolish questions that lead downward.

video of Andrew Tate and his brother human trafficking and beating women.

Getting Up To Speed
Benjamin Fulford Q & A

No Fear
Show No Fear
Remember: What drove ewe into the pen? Fear!

Fear is a disease, which brings with it an entire host of anxest, tension, worry,
hateful and violent demons.

The old time Christians lived by Faith in God, because they didn’t have credit cards.

Faith is the exact opposite of Fear.

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Living By Faith

Living By Faith
I Care Not Today What The Morrow May Bring,

If Shadow Or Sunshine Or Rain,

The Lord I Know Ruled O’er Everything,

And All Of My Worries Are Vain.

Living By Faith In Jesus Above,
Trusting, Confiding In His Great Love;
From All Harm Safe In His Sheltering Arm,
I’m Living By Faith And Feel No Alarm.

Though Tempests May Blow And The Storm Clouds Arise,

Obscuring The Brightness Of Life,

I’m Never Alarmed At The Overcast Skies

The Master Looks On At The Strife.
I Know That He Safely Will Carry Me Through,

No Matter What Evils Betide;
Why Should I Then Care Though The Tempest May Blow,

If Jesus Walks Close To My Side.

Our Lord Will Return For His Loved Ones Some Day,

Our Troubles Will Then All Be O’er;

The Master So Gently Will Lead Us Away,

Beyond That Blest Heavenly Shore.
James Webb

Conclusion Coming Soon

Scripture readings are from the Holy Bible Amplified Version.

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