36 Counties have ended relations with USA FJB. Civil War for "We The People" on horizon

2 years ago

36 Counties have now ended their relations with the United States under this current entire Administration when will "We The People" do the same? When will we fire every member of congress, every supreme court judge, every Senator, and every Congressman and woman. by current administration I mean every Supreme Court Justice, Every Senator, Every Congrssman and Woman and every sitting judge who has been taken part in destroying our country and not following the Constitution of the United States of America. Their crimes have been exposed, states like Arkansas are going into civil war, and companies like Southwest Airlines are refusing to spread the variant from China which has 12,000 now as millions are being cremated. This week operation MRNA is happening right before our eyes. This Government uses only fear tacticts and tries in every way to divide we the people and create chaos. From race BLM, to sexuality LGBTQ, males versus females, Roe vs Wade, Gun control, injections, you name it they have done it all, all in efforts to keep us fighting and to keep them in control. his is all coming to an end and 36 countries have noticed this says Chris Sanders at the American News Network who knows that America strengths are based on our diversities and love for one another and it is sad that this government only tries to destroy that. These Countries have been dumped on and if you have any of this ethnicity in you, then I am speaking to you directly.
Countries that have under the Jack Wagon Joe Administration.
The EU
1. Ireland
2. Italy
3. France
4. Austria
5. Germany
6. Belgium
7. Greece
8. UK
9. Hungary
10. Denmark
11. Luxembourg
12. Finland
13. Spain
14. Bulgaria
15. Poland
16. Portugal
17. Sweden
18. Estonia
19. Malta
20. Lithuania
21. Latvia
22. Croatia
23. Slovenia
24. Romania
since WWII acquisition - now abandoned
25. Japan
26. South Korea
27. Taiwan
28. Veitnam
29. Guam
30. Armenia
31. Iraq
32. Afghanistan
33. Pakistan
34. Moldova
35. Saudi Arabia
36. Turkey
Every alliance we had is now gone, Israel is now surrounded by hate. The efforts of our forefathers in every war has now been destroyed and it only took two years by a Jack Wagon. Our enemies our our politicians and the military industrial complex is out of control. Our politicians invest and have stock ownership in these companies such as Lock heed Martin, General Dynamics, JPL, Ratheon and other defense contractor type or war related companies. The Constitution does not recognize the FBI, DEA, CIA, IRS or any other type of agency and I suggest that we do not recognize them either. A tax company can not regulate taxes if it violates the US Constitution. The CIA can not operate at all if it had something to do with killing President JFK. Why is this not released? Because half of these politicians are still working including the Jack Wagon himself. The IRS can not take tax money if the Government uses that to A. create a $100 trillion in diversified fraud, 2. fund unnecessary wars, 3. FTX scandal with Democrats and Republicans 4. Both organizations paid Twitter - to suppress the media and free speech, thus violated the US Constitution. Thus have canceled their right to sit in office under those parties. These are just opinions Wormwood, Black Walnut sheels, and cloves to combat illness. Stay safe and try not to do excessive air travel. If our Governments cared they would stop all transportation in and out of China ASAP.The amount of deaths just this last week alone should be a wake up call. Please post the deaths such as Barbara Walters, Pele, and the list grows on. 2 of China's 7 also past this week. Operation Mike Romeo November Alpha is happening right now. God Bless everyone. Please don't drink and drive and party responsibly and remember that China has flooded our streets with Fentanyl. 100 died in the Freeze Nation wide - yet our Government didn't spend a dime on our homeless. Please consider that - and I am personally thanking everyone that helps someone that needs it. Your brother in Christ - Chris

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