For He will Save His People from Their Sins – Luke 1 and 2; Dec 25, 2022

2 years ago

On this Christmas Day of 2022, Pastor Kevin reviews the chronology of the miraculous virgin birth of Messiah Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of Luke Chapters 1 and 2. These events include the angelic visits to Mary, Joseph, and Zacharias, and the prophesies of Simeon and Anna when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to present Him to the Lord as the Law required. All these events would have become widely known throughout the land and, with the prophecies in Daniel about the timing of Messiah’s arrival, should have prepared the people to receive Jesus as their Messiah thirty years later. Instead, the majority rejected Him. Jesus as God knew He would be rejected and suffer a humiliating and cruel execution on a Roman cross in order to atone for the sins of the world. We know from other prophecies in both the Old and New Testament that Jesus will come again. At His Second Coming, Jesus will come not as a suffering Savior but as Savior King to defeat His enemies and avenge His people. Pastor Kevin exhorts us to remember that just as prophecies regarding Jesus’ First Coming were literally fulfilled, so will those about his Second Coming. Do you recognize the signs of the times? Are you ready for Him to return?

Associated notes and links are at under Sermon Archives, Deuteronomy,


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