Doug Casey's Take [ep.#65] Jan 9th AMA: What's Doug Selling? Where to Live? And much more.

2 years ago

AMA for January 9, 2021. Thank you for all the great questions. Keep 'em coming!

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00:00:00 Questions with Doug
11:17 resources to live anywhere. Where to go?
16:33 Cyprus?
18:06 mining sector for 2030?
21:36 Bitcoin as a government reserve?
22:12 political trichotomy
23:30 are we going extreme?
33:22 how’s life in Uruguay?
36:18 Spartacus hero or villain?
38:38 don’t do the morally wrong thing, how do you know?
43:20 Doug’s writing partnership
46:45 what are Doug & Matt selling?
50:56 Doug’s unique strengths
56:43 vulture capitalist
1:00:00 top of 10 books For what comes next

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