USA state to age verify porn sites - welcome to censorship

2 years ago

USA state to age verify porn sites - welcome to censorship. A state in the USA seems to have introduced age verification for porn. This idea was dropped in the UK. It means if you do not have ID are or willing to hand over your ID to a porn site or app then you cannot access porn in theory in this state. Clearly this is a huge impact on freedom of speech as it means only those willing to give up your Id will have access to media. A two tier system. Of course it it a wonderful opportunity for criminals to set up bogus sites to get your bank details.

This system was going to be introduced in the UK but dropped last moment. On a test site contacted to a customer4 porn show I used a dead credit card to access the site. I informed a big UK newspaper who took the story and credit (they never stated in the story I told them how to do it or mentioned me at all).

For a few years we had ATVOD that meant any UK site hosting vids of any kind had to pay a license. This ended out of the blue. Presumably because it did not work.

It is my understanding that since porn was on cave man walls that not a single person has died from porn. Yet millions have died from alcoholism. Lives wrecked by gambling. Millions getting cancer from smoking.

Then you have the religious claim it harms, yet ignore the fact that there churches were abusing children for years.

One suspects that most governments love censorship. They will tell you it is to protect you. They will tell you it will not be abused. Then you will find your prevented from seeing certain news stories or even talking about certain news stories. They do this today by saying you are a conspiracy theorist in order to discredit you or what you read.

Freedom of speech should not be limited to those who have ID or who are willing to provide ID. It should be for all.

Each day we seem to have less and less rights. Each day China and the old USSR seem to have more freedoms than we do today.

Remember they will always claim it is for your own good or to protect you.


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