How You Are Hardwired For Wealth |

2 years ago

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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the unique way your personality is “hardwired” for wealth.

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People kept asking why they constantly fail on their business when they follow certain advises based on books.

In Hard Wired for Wealth, we took examples of people with different personality types and how they’ve done well for themselves and have a mass extraordinary resource.

No matter who you are, we want you to understand that you are hardwired for wealth.

Everybody has a path to wealth creation and you are going to do it on your own way.

Every single personality type has a single specific function or mental process or hardwiring. The hardwiring of your mind has the first point of entry that’s referred to as your dominant cognitive function or your driver mental process – this is the lens where you see life.

Understanding your type based on your wiring is very powerful than knowing your 4 letter Myers Briggs code.

Introverted Sensing – is used by all SJs (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ). Memory is more about being in touch with concrete reality. Impressions of the world is being understood through memory – a learning process that captures info and later on, thinks about it. Taking new info to old info. This is a past oriented learning process, so this more traditional. Example is Martha Stewart – she’s had more influence on how Americans eat, entertain and decorate their houses.

Extraverted Sensing – is used by all SPs (ESFP, ISFP, ESTP, ISTP) basically the mental process that’s real time, using information in the present moment. It’s using information based on what’s happening right now. All of these types are very good in understanding information within and beyond their 5 senses. If memory is focused on looking in the past, sensation is about the present moment. What am I seeing and engaging right at this time? Adrenaline comes in as a factor and advantage. People of this mental process have high kinesthetic abilities. Example: Donald Trump – generating wealth in real estate. He loves the adrenaline rush of being in the game and making deals. It’s more about the deal than it is about the money.

Introverted Intuition is used by all NJs (INTJ, ENTJ, INFJ, ENFJ). They use the perspectives process to pattern-recognize how people think. It’s an ability to escape from your own perspective and watch your mind form patterns. Example: Charlie Munger (which is the right-hand of Warren Buffet).

He uses his perspectives process in order to anticipate trends. Perspectives is future oriented. He started as a real estate attorney but stooped to work on investment management full-time. On a creation/creator standpoint, maybe an author who creates an entire world for the novels, the perspectives process can be used to build giant timelines, entire worlds and systems that’s created out of thin air.

Extraverted Intuition. NPs (ENFP, INFP, ENTP, INTP). Exploration is about pattern recognition in the real world. Connections are made fast. Example – Ashton Kutcher. Ashton is an actor in Hollywood and now he’s into business investing where he is pattern recognizing how Hollywood and Silicon
Valley are merging.

Extraverted Thinking. TJs (ENTJ, ESTJ, INTJ, ISTJ). Effectiveness is all about what works. They value all things that bring results at the end of the day. Oftentimes, Effectiveness people are really good at managing projects and timelines. They understand how to talent scout. They’re great in creating systems.

Example: Jack Welch, the CEO of GE for many years. He led the company into a 60 B a year company.

Introverted Thinking. TPs (INTP, ISTP, ENTP, ESTP) Accuracy is about what makes logical and analytical sense. This process is interested in systems, it’s more about being a mechanic. It’s about taking all the best stuff and conglomerating. Example: Tony Hsieh. He focused more on the employees than the customers.

Extraverted Feeling. FJs (ENFF, INFJ, ESFJ ISFJ) Concerned about the emotions and needs of people. What will get people’s needs met? How can I make sure that they’re getting taken care of?

Example: Oprah Winfrey. Oprah has been facilitating conversations about getting needs met.
Introverted Feeling. Process used by all feeler perceivers FPs (INFP, ENFP, ISFP, ESFP). Some INFPs and ISFPs feel like they’re hardwired to not know where they should be heading with wealth generation.

Example: Richard Branson made his wealth by starting Virgin records. He was fulfilling records. He’s hardwired to go take risks and work in alignment with his values. He used his innate hardwiring to create massive wealth.

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