BROAD THINKING: American Girl or American Boy? Trans Agenda Consumes Childhood Favorite

2 years ago

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Music: Hang for Days - Silent Partner

Have you heard about the latest love child of woke idealism and LGBTQIA+ plus community? Well, buckle up buttercup. American Girl - you know, the company that teaches young girls history through fiction books and dolls - well know they’re pushing puberty blockers and transgenderism.

Their latest book, A Smart Girl's Guide: Body Image, is rife with rich propaganda for the transgender movement. Don’t believe me? Think I’m taking something out of
context or reading between the lines? Well, let’s check out some of the passages.

First, they soft roll into the gender-bending concept with some fluffy language to make you question the concept of 2 genders. It says:

The way you show your gender to the world through clothes and behavior is your gender expression. Your gender expression can be feminine, masculine, or somewhere in between - and it might change! Maybe you’ll experiment with bright dresses and long, feminine hairstyles. Or you might try baggy shorts, plaid shirts, and a buzzed haircut. Your gender expression should make you feel at home in your body.

Aw, isn’t that cute? They’re trying to create little blue-haired social justice warriors. It’s a little how-to guide for future wokies. They go on to say:

Being transgender is not an illness or something to be ashamed of. If you’re questioning your gender identity - or if you already know for sure that you're trans or non-binary - talk with an adult you trust, like a parent or school counselor.

School counselor? Those losers? No one likes them. Why do they get a starring role in your decision on gender? That’s like letting a PE teacher tutor you for your SATs. It’s dumb. Anyhoo, back to the book:

That person can connect you with a specially trained doctor, who can help you and your family decide what’s best for your body. At first, you and the doctor might talk about wearing the clothes and using the pronouns (like he, she, or they) that make you feel most like the true you.

Here come the pronouns… yeah!

If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, given you more time to think about your gender identity.

Medicine? It’s a puberty blocker. It blocks your body from doing what it naturally does. What about side effects and outcomes and consequences? What about those who regret their transition? What about those who detransition? What about not calling it medicine. Kids will think it’s no different than taking cough syrup… in reality, it’s a major alteration to your body.

And if you’ve already gone through puberty, a doctor can still help. Studies show that transgender and nonbinary kids who get help from doctors have much better mental health than those who don’t. If you don’t have an adult you trust, there are organizations across the country that can help you. Turn to the Resources on page 95 for more information.

Now we're going around our parents' backs. Great. First, the early wokies wanted to sidestep parents and let kids get abortions in secret. Now they want to turn you Jane into a John without you even knowing.

If you’re transgender or nonbinary, loving your body might feel a bit different than it does for a cisgender person. Parts of your body might make you feel uncomfortable, and you might want to change the way you look. That’s totally OK! You can appreciate your body for everything it allows you to experience and still want to change certain things about it.

That’s OK… who says, the author Mel Hammond? I want to take my advice from someone who publicly says on their website that their “favorite things are trees, rainbows, and dairy-free ice cream.' Cringe! Just another wokie doing all the token wokie things. She’s trying to stand out by fitting in… that’s a good starting point for someone looking to dish out health and gender advice.

When you’re feeling out of place in your body, do things that make your body feel more like home, like dressing in your favorite clothes…

Yes… now we are preparing kids to potentially be future drag queens. No more story hours, just time to be a Queen!

While gender expression is what you show on the outside, gender identity is how you feel on the inside - a girl, a boy, or someone who doesn’t quite fit into either category.

Buzzword time. Expression and identity. I both express now that I hate this book and identify as someone who hates this book, just in case you didn’t catch that.

When a baby is born, a doctor looks at the baby’s body parts to assign its sex - whether the baby is female or male. Most kids grow up feeling comfortable in the sex the doctor assigned. This kind of person is cisgender. (Say it sis-jen-dur.) But for some, that assigned sex doesn’t match who they know they are inside. A kid who was assigned as male might know herself to be a girl inside, for example. Someone whose gender is different than the sex they were assigned at birth is transgender. Some people don’t feel like a girl or a boy inside - which is totally OK! People in this group are usually called nonbinary and might use a pronoun like they instead of he or she.

It's OK again! Thanks Mel Hammond, glad you approve! More buzz words: cisgender and non-binary. Yes… teaching kids 1984 newspeak… what could go wrong with this?

Now remember, this book is marketed to girls aged 3-12 and older. Yes, as young as 3! They’re definitely trying to reach girls before puberty and inundate them with the idea to change their genders during their pubescent years.

American Girl just doesn’t care what the critics are saying. They responded by saying, “we are committed to delivering content that leaves our readers feeling informed, confident, and positive about themselves.” Yeah, positive that they’re not a girl, but your company is called American Girl. Okay… Don’t they realize how dumb this is for their brand? It’s American Girl. Not American Trans Girl. Not American Non-Binary Individual. Not American Cisgender Girl. Not American Boy-Girl. It’s just American Girl. All the feminists talk about making space for women in society and now we are literally pushing them out of their own culture and their own literature to make space for boys. I think modern-day feminism just checked itself.

When is someone going to say this cultural appropriation? We’re literally taking female culture, running through the sieve of a man who wants to be a girl, and then going with it. It’s like learning how to be a girl through the male gaze. It makes no sense. A complete contradiction of feminism. But that doesn’t matter when you’re gender-bending.

Hey American Girl, your next series should be on book burning cause that’s what we should be doing with all of yours!


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