BROAD THINKING: Tiffany Trump's Wedding... Let Them Eat Cake!

1 year ago

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Music: Hang for Days - Silent Partner

What is wrong with rich people? Is a synapse in their brain not connecting?
I’m sure you’ve heard about Tiffany Trump’s wedding that happened this past weekend. Not only is Tiffany the daughter of a billionaire businessman, she’s marrying the son of a billionaire. Maybe Bernie Sanders should talk about the redistribution of love? You know, rich people have to marry someone of a lower socioeconomic status to even out the game a little bit. Perhaps, then he could clinch the democratic nomination.
But, that’s beside the point…
Tiffany’s ring was valued at $1.2 million. Can you imagine? The opulence. The decadence. Obviously, Trump didn’t teach Tiffany to be humble or modest. I can’t imagine wearing a ring worth that much money. This is a girl who has never worked a day in her life and will likely never again. She replaced her old daddy with a new, younger daddy.
These types of people don’t know what it’s like to live in a normal American house. They don’t understand what being normal is, in fact. The average home in the U.S. costs less than half of what her ring does. These rich people don’t know what it’s like to hold down a 9 to 5. The 10% inflation at grocery stores, it doesn't affect them. Filling up a car at $4/gallon gas, that doesn’t affect them either.
They must all sit back and laugh at us little plebs, us little serfs, the little people down in America who build them up and make them richer. Meanwhile, they’re throwing lavish parties. How much do you bet they’re kicking back with their feet up and saying let them eat cake?
Just think…Daddy Trump gave out $1,400 checks to Americans as a stimulus during Covid. Her ring could have paid for more than 700 of those checks. And even though that ring was given to her by her fiance, the rest of the Trump’s have that same sentiment about extravagant rings and wasteful spending.
Let’s take a look at the Trump women’s diamonds. Eric Trump, it appears to be, the most modest, giving his wife Lara a ring from his sister Ivanka’s jewelry collection. I can’t find a value estimation on it, but I’m sure it was sill, fairly pricey. Don Jr., he gave his ex-wife Vanessa a ring worth $100,000. But because it was a public proposal, at a certain diamond store, he got it for free as a publicity stunt. He then gave his current fiance- and whore- Kimberly Guilfyole a ring worth $250,000. I guess the woman who birthed 5 children for you doesn’t get as much as your concubine now, huh? Ivanka is sporting a $500,000 ring. Trump’s first wife Ivana got a $500,000 ring. His second wife Marla Maples sold her ring after the divorce in 1999 for $100,000. Melania got not one, but two engagement rings, worth $9 million.
The point. The Trumps, like all the other rich people in this country, are out of touch with regular people. No matter how hard they try or message, they can’t relate. Neither can other rich politicians. DeSantis can’t relate either, he won’t be any better or different on this issue. The Trump's just take it to a whole new level. They are slinging around the net worth of most Americans just on their women’s fingers. That’s a whole new lifestyle.
But back to Tiffany’s wedding. It’s a pure !@$ show. The rehearsal is fancier than most people’s actual wedding. Why do we put up with this? Why do we care? The media only reports it because Americans eat it up? I’ll never understand the worshiping of the wealthy. Who give a !@#$?
I voted for Trump last election and probably will in 2024, but that doesn’t mean I’m blind. Remember when he first ran and said I’m rich, really rich. Everyone was shocked? Not me.I knew that, a lot of people knew that. So why act like you’re anything else. We are not alike. Me and Trump come from different worlds. I’m not voting for you for your modesty or because you drive a 200,000 mile vehicle and buy your clothes off the clearance rack. That’s me. Not you. And Trump has remained constant on his confidence and in all his success and finances. He’s grandiose, but he never tried to be anything else. But his kids could really dial it back. Particularly when his kids take pictures of getting their cars filled up. Bull !@#$, it doesn’t affect them. Gas could be $20 a gallon and they would still go wherever they wanted. Trump never made me think that anything affected him. He can afford it. He’s in it to destroy the left, and take them down. Take down the globalists. Put America first. You’ve heard the chants.
But wholly guacamole… Trump’s lavish wedding for his daughter is a little much now, don’t you think? So the world is falling apart because of Biden but you have the money and time to throw a glitzy wedding? What?
Sure, Tiffany is an adult and he can’t control her, but I sure bet he funds her. I wonder who paid for her law school? All he would need to do is cut the money and I bet she would've changed. Maybe he should have done it before now.
And this wedding, it's taking place at his resort, Mar a Lago. And I sure bet he’s paying for all the other wedding events and incidentals.
The optics aren’t good. But then again, it took him 3 tries to find a wife so when it comes to morality, he’s definitely a bit shaky.


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