TheTruth about DEPRESSION and How to avoid it

2 years ago

The Truth about Depression and how to avoid it
Depression is a serious disease that affects millions of people each year. It can be debilitating and intense, but it doesn't have to define your life. By learning more about depression and taking steps to prevent it, you can manage the symptoms of depression and live a happier life overall!
What is Depression?
Depression is a serious illness that can cause you to feel hopeless, helpless, and worthless. Depression affects your body as well as your mind and behavior.
Depression in the Holiday Season
The holiday season can be a complicated time for those living with depression.
If you are experiencing signs of depression during this time of year, there are several ways to effectively treat them before things get worse:
Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep and eating healthy meals regularly
Avoid alcohol when dealing with stressors; it will only make things worse! Instead try taking walks outside or listening to music that lifts your spirits - whatever makes you feel better!
Depression is a mood disorder that causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness and despair. Depression is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, which can be inherited from family history or caused by certain life events (such as traumatic events).
How to avoid depression.
Avoid drugs and alcohol. You know how you feel after a long day, maybe a bit down, or just not in the mood to do anything? If you're feeling this way, try to avoid using substances that will make it worse. Also be careful about taking medication for depression if it contains alcohol or other drugs (including antihistamines).
Get enough sleep. Aim for seven-to-nine hours of nightly rest in order to maintain good mental health—and set yourself up for less stress throughout the day!
Eat a healthy diet . A balanced diet is key when it comes to fighting off both physical illness and emotional distress;
Exercise regularly . Because exercise acts as an antidepressant itself by releasing endorphins into our blood stream which interact with receptors on nerve cells they stimulate within our brain .
Where to seek help for depression.
Depression can take many forms. If you're feeling suicidal, seek professional help immediately. But seeking out a friend or family member is one of the best things you can do for yourself when dealing with depression.
There are many causes for depression, but with treatment and self-help you can beat it.
Depression is a serious mental illness that can cause significant distress and impairment in a person's life.
Depression is not just feeling sad; it is an illness with specific symptoms that affect how you feel and think about yourself.
Depression affects an individual's thinking patterns as well as their emotions resulting in negative thoughts.
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.
Have an Attitude of Gratitude.
Think of something you are grateful for.
Write it down in a journal or on your phone.
Write it down in the journal or on your phone.
Avoid Junk Food.
Eat Healthy Foods, Such as Vegetables, Fruits and Whole Grains.
Drink Plenty of Water Especially If You Are in a Hot Climate or Exercise a Lot;
Be Generous.
Give more than you take.
Give without expecting anything in return.
Give to those who need it most.
Make a donation and help out the less fortunate.
Get Some Sleep.
Sleep deprivation has been linked to depression and people who don’t get enough sleep are more prone to developing it.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but if you have trouble sleeping or find yourself waking up earlier than usual
Connect with Others.
In order to avoid depression, you should seek out others. Additionally, professional help can be beneficial if your symptoms become too severe.
If you do not have any friends or family nearby, consider joining a support group or community center where there are other people who will understand what it's like to live with depression in their lives as well.
When you feel depressed, it can sometimes feel like you're trapped in a dark tunnel, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can't know that right now.
Depression is a serious illness that affects your mind and body.
Depression isn't something you can just snap out of.
Depression isn't cured overnight; it takes time and support from loved ones
The key to beating depression is to seek treatment and support from others. Don't be afraid to ask for help, because no one has ever benefited by waiting too long before asking for help. Also, never forget that life can be beautiful again!

RESOURCES for help:
National Alliance on Mental Illness:
ADAA, Anxiety & Depression Association of America

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