Timetravel: Part 3

2 years ago

Upon their return, the friends were met with a surprise - they had been gone for over a decade, and their families and loved ones had thought they were lost forever.

The friends were overwhelmed with emotion as they were reunited with their families, and they spent the next few days catching up and explaining their adventures.

Despite their initial disbelief, the friends' families were eventually able to accept the truth of their story. They were grateful to have their loved ones back, and they were amazed by the incredible journey that they had been on.

But as the friends tried to resume their normal lives, they soon realized that something was wrong. The world was different from the one they had left behind - small changes that they had made in the past had rippled forward and altered the course of history.

The friends were shocked by the extent of the changes, and they knew that they were to blame. They had broken the rules of time travel, and they had manipulated the timeline without thinking of the consequences.

They knew that they had to come forward and take responsibility for their actions. They gathered their courage and went to the government agency that oversaw time travel, ready to face whatever punishment they would receive.

To their surprise, the agency was understanding and forgiving. They recognized that the friends had acted out of ignorance, and they were willing to give them a second chance.

The agency set up a special program to help the friends understand the risks and responsibilities of time travel, and they made them promise to use their powers wisely in the future.

The friends were grateful for the chance to make amends, and they dedicated themselves to learning all they could about time travel. They knew that they had been given a rare and precious gift, and they were determined to use it responsibly.

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