Forsaken - 4th of 7 Last Words (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

2 years ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on the Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross - 4 of 7
April 17 2022

Forsaken - 4th of 7 Last Words
Txt: Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34

Forgiveness; Salvation; Relationship; Abandonment; Distress; Triumph; Reunion

Objective: focus on the forsaking that happens and has happened to the Lord

Types of Forsaking: (in the bible)
1. By an Unrighteous, To a Righteous / Unrighteous
Reason: For the Self
- other people
- Israel to God
- we to God
2. By the Righteous, To an Unrighteous
Reason: For Sound Judgment
- God to Israel
- God to us
3. By the Righteous, To a Righteous, For the Unrighteous
Reason: For Supreme Love
- of God the Father and the Son for us.

There are a lot of forsaking happening.
The one the matters most happened 2000 years ago.
And it came to our favor, may we appreciate that.

Formerly: Diadem Baptist Bible Church San Mateo Banaba Mission

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