God Alone is My Rock and Salvation - Psalm 62

2 years ago

Psalm 62 is a psalm of David in which he is experiencing unjust attacks and feels threatened by enemies who seek to topple him. In this psalm, David counsels his soul to trust in God alone. When anxious fears arise, he is conscious to turn to the Lord and not people or riches. Trusting in the Lord alone, and waiting in silence, are key features of the psalm. The Psalm is broken into three stanzas, with two ending with Selah. A complete set of notes are found here: https://thinkingonscripture.com/2022/12/29/god-alone-is-my-rock-psalm-62/


What is a Chiasm: https://youtu.be/yn2pIkmOKpY
Biblical Self-Talk: https://youtu.be/VgQXBfGN708
Future Christian Rewards: https://youtu.be/rKjGYcyr4nc

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