Doom 2 in a Continuous Map (Full Gameplay)

2 years ago

This is Doom 2 in a continuous level. The first map is a pointless room to warp to map30 for the epic journey. I replaced map30’s music with an hour loop of Doom 2’s songs. It would have drove me nuts to hear the same song over and over again ahahaha! I have a special message at the end! This WAD will be unavailable due to Copyright concerns.

The key cards become pointless after the first few levels, I replaced the keys with door switches or walk over switches to open the key doors. This forced me to play the game as it was intended to be played.

0:00 - Start
1:26 - Entryway Exit
4:20 - Underhalls Exit
6:43 - The Gantlet Exit
9:44 - The Focus Exit
11:06 - The Waste Tunnels Exit
16:42 - The Crusher Exit
20:01 - Dead Simple Exit
21:39 - Tricks and Traps Exit
29:25 - The Pit Exit
34:28 - Refueling Base Exit
39:09 - ‘O’ of Destruction Exit
44:38 - The Factory Exit
49:21 - Downtown Exit
53:03 - The Inmost Dens Exit
59:56 - Industrial Zone Exit
1:02:02 - Suburbs Exit
1:11:19 - Tenements Exit - Bar wall textures were found to be pass through, missing texture was found, teleportation Exit was set to a one time use, dead demon fell in and I couldn’t exit the room.
1:14:09 - The Courtyard Exit
1:19:46 - The Citadel Exit
1:24:01 - Gotcha! Exit
1:27:18 - Nirvana Exit
1:31:46 - The Catacombs Exit
1:38:03 - Barrels o’ Fun Exit
1:44:34 - The Chasm Exit
1:51:07 - Bloodfalls Exit
1:56:49 - The Abandoned Mines Exit
2:04:55 - Monster Condo Exit
2:12:09 - The Spirit World Exit
2:22:30 - The Living End Exit
2:25:30 - Icon of Sin Ending
2:27:46 - Special Ending
2:28:08 - SLADE - Map Editing Software

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