Worship of the Vatican's pope will lead to accepting of the mark of the beast!

2 years ago

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Credits to the Seventh-Day Christians Church. Its website is www.SDCministries.org (www.SSRemnant.org). Its channel is SDC STUDIO: https://www.youtube.com/@sdcstudio7767

The video was produced during Sabbath worship services on Sabbath morning, December 17, 2022. During Sabbath worship services, I spoke about the third angel’s message on the mark of the beast and in particular on five different words or terms in Revelation 14:9 which speaks specifically about the mark of the beast.

Related directly to Revelation 14:9 is Revelation 13:8, which says, And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Him in Revelation 13:8 is the pope, who is the head of the Vatican beast which is described in Revelation 13:1-10. The world will worship the pope. How? By accepting his mark IN their foreheads where the mind or brain is located to make decisions of either accepting OR NOT the Vatican beast’s mark of public weekly SUNday rest and worship, which goes against the biblical and commanded 7th day Sabbath of the Lord thy God.

The Vatican says the following about its mark:

"SUNday is our MARK of authority....the church is above the Bible and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact" Source: Catholic Record, London, Ontario, Canada, September 1, 1923.

If you accept with your mind which is IN your forehead the Vatican beast's mark of SUNday WORSHIP, which goes contrary to the biblical 7th day Sabbath commandment of God, which Christ says, is made for man (Mark 2:27), you will be able to buy and sell according to Revelation 13:17 but for how long before the plagues of God fall on those who will have accepted the Vatican beast's mark (Revelation 16, King James Bible).

You are welcome to attend online Sabbath worship services on Sabbath evening at sundown as well as on Sabbath morning with the Seventh-Day Christians Church on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SSRChurch777/

For more information and videos on Christian beliefs and Bible prophecy, please visit www.sdcministries.org along with the following channels:

Mark of the Vatican beast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfPW9iM6FcVnZ7ButrGqPvg
SDC STUDIO: https://www.youtube.com/@sdcstudio7767
ThirstyforTruth: https://www.youtube.com/user/Jrskelt11
John of Revelation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Rn7grrHt9ZXgmbY1waVbA/
Pray Without Ceasing: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrayWithoutCeasing777
Music TV DCMEDIA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTk-OMnX-PhfXMbLhWQrOkg

For pastoral advice and guidance, pastor Craig can be reached at Craig@sdcministries.org.

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