[ep.#53] The NEW Housing Crisis and the largest transfer of wealth in history.

2 years ago

#dougcasey #realestate #housingcrisis #crisisinvesting #wealthtransfer #greatreset

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Are we witnessing the largest consolidation of wealth in human history? Small businesses are being wiped out and it looks like the small landlords might be next.

Millions of Americans are behind on rents and mortgage payments. In today's episode we discuss how this crisis might unfold.

Articles discussed today:
From the NYT: Opinion | What’s Between 30 Million Americans and an Eviction Tsunami? - https://archive.vn/7xckL

U.S. Poised for Wave of Evictions in January as Federal Ban Expires - WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-poised-for-wave-of-evictions-in-january-as-federal-ban-expires-11607855401?mod=searchresults_pos3&page=1

$2T in MBS already on the FED's balance sheet: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=yMVY

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