Why Are Liberal "Karens" Like This?

2 years ago

Why are Liberal Karens like this? I'll tell you why, because men have become too tame, too passive, too weak and far too submissive. I'm a gentleman, but I'm not a pussy. The old-fashioned type that will open doors, pull chairs, offer to carry heavy things, never raise my hand in anger, & generally go out of my way to be a gentleman.

Many times I've put myself in harms way to help someone that was in need of help or in danger, because that's what real men do. But if someone tried to assert this passive-aggressive dominance crap over me, like the Karen in this video, there's no way in hell they'd walk away thinking they got the upper hand. By definition, they are sociopaths; proving once more that liberalism is a mental illness.

These Karens have become emboldened like this because of our failure as men, to be MEN. It's time for this kind of shit to stop. Covid has left these petty tyrants with the false belief that they can get away with this kind of crap, & that is simply something we cannot let continue unabated. There must be consequences, and it's time for these spoiled adult children to be spanked in the literal sense!

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