What is criminally overpriced? #overpriced

2 years ago

What is criminally overpriced?
Have you seen the price of lettuce in Canada?
Ink jet cartridges
College books.
Ticket website service fees!
Everything scalpers have gotten their hands on. Game stations, graphics cards, you name it.
Airport food and drinks. $7 for a granola bar. $6.95 for water. $22 for beer. $17 for a chicken wrap. $9 for trail mix. It’s criminal.
Toner / Ink
College in general. Tuition, books (which they change each semester and shockingly are written by the teacher requiring that book), parking……
Groceries and rent
Right now? Everything!
Anything with the word "wedding" attached; photographer, cake, etc
Starting next year in Connecticut electricity rates are going up 50%
Mental healthcare.
You picked a bad time to ask this, friend, because the answer is LITERALLY EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW.
Anyone Christmas shopping right now might notice how ridiculously expensive kids toys are.
Prescription drugs in The US. It’s absolutely immoral that US politicians don’t do something to keep sick people from getting totally screwed.
Medical bills even with insurance!!
Feminine sanitary products. Or just products targeted towards women in general. Especially in the US, I never realised how much women there were paying for pads until I visited family there. Might as well use dollar bills as pads at this stage.
Members of Congress. Only the corporations and billionaires can afford them.
...life in general
Insulin in the US
Beer at an event.
Los Angeles
Dying. It's so expensive to get out of the system.
Health insurance that actually covers anything without $15,000-$20,000 In deductibles/copays and Insulin
CompTIA certification exams (especially if you fail and have to take the test again)
Adobe software
Tampons, pads
diapers should NOT be this expensive especially considering how often they’re used
Being poor
*Gestures around at everything*
Night vision goggles
Sex ..............it's hardly ever on sale and there are never any 2 for 1 deals either.
cable tv and internet. still waiting for the new comcast router i've been told i'm getting on three different occasions.
Getting into heaven if you’re a Mormon. They charge 10% of all your money for your entire life. Every paycheck 10%! Never on sale or any discounts or BOGO or anything.
Printer ink

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