It is almost 2023 and middle class people are still living in fear

2 years ago

It is almost 2023 and people are still living in fear. One wonders how many more years these middle class (often left wing) people are going to stay living in fear. And it is interesting how angry they often seem to be against those who choose to not live in fear. Normally they want you to wear non medical grade masks that do nothing. In this case the chap wants you to buy n95 medical grade masks. A box he links to is $14 for a box of ten. The chances are you would need to use a few a day. So it will become very expensive to protect yourself from something that in most cases will be no worse than a cold. Indeed most deaths with covid seem to be from UK government stats people over 80 WITH Heath problems. Indeed government stats show most people who died with (most deaths seem to be recorded as with covid not from covid) are with people with health problems. The question to ask is why these people before covid were not walking around with masks as we have had the flu for years yet these people did not in those days live in fear even though many died from flu. Wearing a mask seems to be no more than a fashion item for left wing middle class people to tell the world that they are so more intelligent than you as you are so thick not to be living in fear. How angry they get when we take no notice of them as they are convinced they are important people and influence us. Indeed most left wing middle class people seem to spend 24/7 telling us how to live and how we should think as they know best because they did some 3rd grade degree at a university that was once a polytechnic only a few years ago.

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