Bill Gates and WHO Funded Lethal, Fraudulent Hydroxychloroquine Studies to Suppress Life-Saving COVID Treatment

2 years ago

Del Bigtree interviews Dr. Jim Meehan, MD, on Solidarity and Recovery trials funded by Bill Gates and WHO to fraudulently show hydroxychloroquine was ineffective or dangerous against COVID. Dr. Jim Meehan:

Yale School of Public Health’s Dr. Harvey Risch said in December of 2022 that US health authorities (such as Anthony Fauci) had sentenced up to “500,000 people to death from the infection because they couldn’t get treated because of the suppression of these treatments.” (Risch video: )

Dr. Robert Malone, an mRNA vaccine pioneer and now a prominent critic of the vaccines he helped create, made a similar estimate when he addressed Anthony Fauci on-camera, saying:

“Look Tony, there are over half a million deaths in the United States for this virus, completely unnecessary because the federal government has very actively blocked the ability of physicians to provide lifesaving medications early in the infection. “

Bill Gates and WHO Funded Lethal, Fraudulent Hydroxychloroquine Studies to Suppress Effective COVID Treatment, to Gain Vaccine Approval

"As the US response to what was reported as a new virus out of bat caves in China ramped up, Bill Gates and the World Health Organization (WHO) teamed up to produce influential studies designed to turn researchers away from hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a remedy for COVID. Doctors around the world were reporting great success when used properly in the early stages. (Palmer Foundation: Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust to fund Covid-19 drug trials.)

As for “why,” FDA regulations do not allow “emergency use authorization (EUA)” to be granted to experimental vaccines unless there is no “available alternative.” Were alternative remedies such as HCQ to take hold, public funding, and the suspension of normal, years-long safety trials, especially for long-term effects, would have not been possible.

The WHO studies, and others also funded by Gates, subjected COVID patients to known lethal doses of HCQ, or about four times the maximum label dose. In one of the studies, the UK Recovery Trial run by Oxford University, COVID patients who were subjected to the dosages died at a rate 10% higher than those who were given nothing at all. The dosages were known to be lethal because the WHO itself had conducted the studies.

HCQ is one of the most heavily used, best understood medicines in the world, with doctors in any tropical region prescribing it regularly for malaria. The Gates-backed studies follow a pattern of junk-science studies, or worse, dangerous ones, being touted across the media as evidence of HCQ inefficacy, as opposed to the high standards which were demanded by Anthony Fauci for studies which showed effectiveness.

One April 2020 study which comes to the top of any search engine, even now, is a Georgia VA study involving 368 male COVID patients, which concludes no help from HCQ. But in the sloppiest of sloppy science, dosages are not specified, which would not be acceptable even in a high school science project. Nevertheless, the non-peer reviewed study was and is still trumpeted by online People Magazine, under the headline “Hydroxychloroquine Was Ineffective Against Coronavirus and Linked to Higher Death Rate, Study Finds.”

In May of 2021, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) sued WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, in the High Court of Bombay, for Crimes Against Humanity by recommending “against the use” of another life-saving treatment for COVID, Ivermectin. The IBA noted that the punishment for the severest of allegations against Swaminathan is the death penalty. [IBA Complaint]

Comprehensive collections of all available studies on HCQ and Ivermectin overwhelmingly show benefit when used properly and early.

Gates is Single Biggest Source of Funding for WHO
Gates’ contributions are the single largest source of funding for WHO, greater even than the US share, when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Gates-founded GAVI contributions are combined. WHO is currently in the process, again, of proposing to national governments, including the US, a treaty that would transfer national sovereignty to WHO and the UN in the event of a pandemic, in essence making Gates a world dictator.

The chairman of WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus, is a close Gates ally who rose from the ranks of a US State Department terrorist list organization, the Ethiopian Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPFL.)


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