Angels Smite Us, Everyone! (Them First) - Angels Fall First

2 years ago

Angels Fall First w/ Todoh, Crafter, and New Adventurer from Team CSTN. We'll typically play AFF on the last Friday of the month.

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Greetings angels, your next assignment should you choose to accept is to watch this stream in its entirety. It is after all, the last AFF F(riday) stream of this year. Going off from memory alone, I already forgot when we started playing Angels Fall First exactly. I know I can look it up but that's not important right now. The point is, I can effectively say that I've been playing this game for long than I can remember, and that's a special thing I think.

Now then, rest assured that we at CSTN are still committed to playing AFF every last Friday of the month throughout the new year as we always have so far, not just for the handful of you that really like it (appreciate you all btw) but also because we thing it's a really awesome game overall. And so, I hope you all enjoy this final 2022 stream and have a great rest of your year later guys!

- Todoh

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Oh, and if you'd like to help support small-timers like us, we'd appreciate you stopping by our Ko-fi page down there. Thanks in advance.

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