What Is Intuition? | PersonalityHacker.com

2 years ago

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In this episode Joel and Antonia answer the question “What is intuition?”


- What is Intuition? Intuition is a pretty abstract word. It’s something many of us rely on for quick judgments and often life-altering decisions.
- Intuition is a particular way that people learn information.


There are two ways in which people learn new information:

1) Through their 5 senses.
2) Intuition – not relying on those senses in order to understand and learn new information. Therefore, relying on advanced pattern recognition.


- You can’t directly interact behind the curtain, but you can deduce what’s going on behind the curtain based on the pieces of information you get in front of the curtain.
- Sensory people are looking to find something that’s reliable and can be verified.
- Intuitives are not dependent on things that are reliable. Someone who’s using intuition to learn puts more emphasis on speed of information and depth of insight on information. They will sacrifice verifiability for speed and depth of insight.
- Intuitives are more comfortable with speculation and so they’re willing to take risks. Eventually, they’re going to become more and more proficient with it.
- When it comes to pattern recognition and speculation, intuitives are getting better of taking risks and accurate speculations.
- Although sensors may have an intuitive piece on them, they don’t become efficient with it because they’re not comfortable with its nature and process.75% of the population in the US are sensory and only 25% are Intuitives.
- Everyone is creative. We all have a creative element inside of us. Some of the most creative people use a sensory as a form of learning.
- The greatest artists in the world are sensors. The big difference is that Intuitives have a tendency to create something the world has never seen because they’re looking for things that can only be imagined. Sensors on the other hand, when they’re creative, have a tendency to make something new that already has a sensory platform.
- There’s no argument that both are valid ways of learning.
- Some people tend to hide their being intuitive. The Intuitives who keep going are so powerful that they end up being the people who are most celebrated.
- If you are of an intuitive learning style, the first step is to accept it. The second step is understanding its potential and doing what you can to hone it.
- Take courage, give yourself permission and you’re going to see a more different world.

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