Personality Type and Higher Consciousness |

2 years ago

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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about personality type and higher consciousness.


- This podcast episode talks about personality type and higher consciousness.
- When you’re going into your subconscious mind, your approach will be based on the type of personality you have.
- People have a tendency to hyper-focus on their ego.
- Higher states of consciousness: Any time we take in more territory with what is in our world framework. In relation to the Graves model, each time we level up, we expand our territory to take in more information that we’re aware of. Our awareness of our terrain mean something to us.
- People in the highest states of consciousness sees things in an interconnected way. The more conscious we become, the more we are aware of how interconnected we all are.
- The ego is the part of us that makes us want to exist. As you start to take in more terrain and awareness, it’s this ego that you’re interacting with.
- When you are in a situation where you are attached with your identity and you feel you are right, that’s your ego.
- Ego Transcendence: when one reflects and sees oneself as part of a huge universal dance, recognizing that there’s a part of us that we might have mistaken to be us. Transcending the ego is generally considered when you are no longer attached with your ego and it isn’t all you can see. If you can step back and see what is going on around you, you can watch the part of you in the picture too.
- Our attachment to our ego is also what creates war. It’s what makes us so sure that we’re right about something that we will literally pick up a weapon and destroy somebody else’s life because they don’t agree with what our ego asserts.
- Personality types are one of the most powerful tools that will take you to a place where you can take in more territory. It helps us accept our unique selves.
- Let us know what you think. Please feel free to leave your comments below.

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