Christmas Message from Bishop Mike Pfeifer on the Sidewalk with SAFA - 12/23/22

2 years ago

Friday, December 23, we prayed outside 'Planned Parenthood' abortion facility with Bishop Michael Pfeifer for an end to elective abortion. That would be the best Christmas gift ever! Thank you everyone who came out to support life. <3

TRANSCRIPT of Bishop Michael Pfeifer Christmas message for SAFA on the 2140 Babcock sidewalk in front of ppSouthTexas abortuary on Friday, Dec. 23:

As we celebrate the birthday of Jesus, we ask that the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts, that they be filled with love and compassion.

And we ask God's help that our political leaders will see and understand the great mystery of God's love in His precious little ones as they are made in the image and likeness of God.

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