Conscious Awareness |

2 years ago

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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about developing the skill of conscious awareness.


- When you increase your awareness of how things have changed over time, it’s not just about the object but the story of evolution, of how society and people have evolved.
- Green paint was believed to calm the nerves and help relieve stress. In a lot of houses, kitchens were painted green.
- Individual awareness is very interesting because it gives us so much more information to work with.


There are two styles of awareness:

1) Awareness of being present – being fully in the moment and understanding what’s going on around you.
2) Awareness of understanding the systems surrounding you – the ecology of what’s happening in the environment around you – example the ants that’s coming inside your house that’s part of ecology. It’s being aware of how the systems are working in order to make a better place for everybody.


- We’re not aware of systems, we don’t understand their delicate nature and so we destroy them because we don’t understand how they work.
- Being present is being aware.
- We are at a place where we don’t need to have a sharpened awareness that some predator is going to attack us.
- As you develop in levels of your own maturity and personal evolution, your awareness territory expands. Because we are in the place where we don’t constantly fear predators, were not qualified for the 2nd style of awareness.
- Both styles are very important.
- By increasing your sense of awareness (understanding what is really going on around you) and at the same time increasing the territory of your awareness to start seeing the systems, you understand how such complex processes are going around you.
- One of the major epidemics most developed countries as facing is obesity. Awareness can be something that can impact the longevity of your health. It’s a skill we can learn.


- Being present without judgement: Teach yourself to be fully present in the moment without judgment and see how long you can hold with that. Example – when you’re washing the dishes, just be with the water and sponge. Build the skill of noticing and do this 5-10 minutes a day.
- Observe the things and situations that you consider as nuisance: When you observe something that your auto-responder tells you is simply a nuisance. Use examples of things that annoy you to trigger a bigger picture.
- When inside a restaurant, take some time to identify and details of its surroundings. Close your eyes and try to remember the different details of the room and let somebody help you associate and remember those fine points.

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