What is a WRAP?

2 years ago

Hi I’m Chris Thompson. Today, I want to talk to you about wraps. No not the kind you eat. This is a real estate channel.
What is a wrap?
I’m glad you asked. A wrap is a creative way to sell your home.
The buyer takes over the existing loan, we add your equity into a 2nd note. We literally wrap both notes together to create 1 payment for the new owner.
You receive a down payment and continued monthly payment. We upgrade you from the homeowner to the bank!
Why is it better then renting it out? Who wants to be a landlord? It’s a pain in the neck! Selling your home on a wrap gives you the benefit of not having to deal with the 4 T’s. Toilets, trash, taxes or tenants.

If you want to learn more. Drop a comment below.


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