Narcos Live Alliance Training, Stormshot #3, 12/29/22

2 years ago

This video is the 3rd live training done for the Narcos Alliance in Kingdom 10015, for the Stormshot game as offered by JoshuaS17 with some assistance by Unnseen and our beloved R5 Cartel. This training focused on four key areas of the game which are discussed and visually shown (using screen sharing) by Joshua, as he moves around the game using bluestacks on his computer. The video goes for a little bit under an hour.

What subjects are covered: 1) We spoke about the Farms - various options how to collect resources outside of your estate and within your estate which then can be shared with your main Narcos account when you attack your farm(s) [Note remember to move your troops outside your farm and camp them] ... Unnseen the R5 of our farm alliance, dkg - also gave some very important insights and ...

2) - we spoke about the Creation and the Tombs and why building up your Creation and going high levels into the tombs to plunder it is important for building your Stronghold - we talked at length about how to build up your equipment (six types and the levels from 15 to 45) so you can move into the higher levels of the tombs -- we discussed what resources and tools the tombs offer you and ....

3) We spoke about the Tidelands event and the current Tides King Tournament we are involved with - how to get points, about the buildings, what rewards you can earn, the two areas of this event, inside the field of battle and outside, about the XOC and the mines, how to heal your troops who are wounded with silver or gold. Unfortunately we could not show what the field looks like - you can receive great rewards from this event and ...

4) We also discussed the new event called the Crown Invasion, where all the alliances in our Kingdom can compete to control the citadel and thus for a two week period that alliance selects a King or Queen to rule our Kingdom, Swatboss of Narcos became our 1st King. We showed what the citadel and turret buildings look like, discussed how the event works and how Narcos members can support the five leaders of our team to hold the five buildings and Cartel discusses the various award packs the King can give out to those who participated and who qualifies for these 40 packs.

To participate in the live training or to speak with Joshua and the other teachers, please contact Joshua on discord at SirJosh#8766 and we will get you added as a student. In the Narcos Alliance channel on discord you can: a) see Josh's tips in the sub-channel, "teach-us-josh"; b) speak live to Joshua in his sub-channel: "josh's-classroom" and the living training is in the sub-channel: "Training and Coaching".

Thank you - JoshuaS17, Narcos Alliance

Note: All Narcos Training videos can be found on the Stormshot Narcos video channel at:

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