2 years ago

IGNORancE is bliss is an old saying or sentiment even more relevant today. Categorized as: “a person who does not know about a problem does not worry about it, he never keeps up with the news or cares about the troubles in the world because he believes that ignorance is bliss.” Merriam Webster Lack of knowledge results in happiness. You are more comfortable if you don't know something. Wordnik

The library of life is filled with irony as identified in the ideas behind Thomas Gray’s famous poem about the bliss of youth and playfulness, the origin of “Ignorance is Bliss” and our ability to SEE, or NOT, how this ideology has been turned into the playground of propaganda by pe….....

Shelley Batcules is a Canadian Artist, videographer/editor, digital soldier and PPO President. www.shelleybatcules.com

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