This is why they manufactured the chaos on January 6th, otherwise the whole world would

2 years ago

This is why they manufactured the chaos on January 6th, otherwise the whole world would clearly see one of the most monumental displays of Defiance & Patriotism in American History.

To smear the President and bury the mountains of evidence illustrating election fraud. To tar 80+ million Americans as delusional violent extremists. To dominate the media cycle w/ FEAR untill Biden was retrieved from his basement and installed in the White House.

This movement is not going away, it's about far more than one man.

Among We The People it is growing. Our National Sovereignty was violated and Constitutional Rights robbed by Globalist Commies for the whole world to see. America's very own Color Revolution.

The reason the walls were erected immediately after January 6th is clear as day. They're terrified we'll come back to claim what was stolen and they should be. Peaceful resolution was attempted and failed.

If the last two years has proven anything it's the "Deep State" is playing to win

Our side should too

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