Heaven's Gates & Advent - 12-25-22 - Providence Community Church Sermon

1 year ago

Tying in messages from last year and in keeping with our advent theme: “the significance of incarnation events magnified from scriptural cross references”, today's message picks up where we left off at Christmas last year exploring the fulfillment of Jacob's profound dream in Genesis 28. Here the patriarch beholds heaven's staircase touching ground as angels ascend and descend upon it. Jesus Himself announces to His disciple Nathaniel (Jn 1:51) “Truly, truly I say to you, you will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” Jesus proclaims His incarnation as the 'ladder' itself. Through Him, the promise of reconciliation with a holy God would be realized. True to Jesus' words, glorious and revelatory angelic activity signal heaven's stair case touching ground throughout His ministry. Last year we noted descending angels unto a priest (Zechariah), a virgin (Mary), and a son of David (Joseph) in the inaugural events of the incarnation. Jacob's ladder was a symbolic depiction of these spiritual realities and experiences. The eternal and transcendent God is interacting with His creation through the Covenant Son of David and the divine Son of God, the incarnate one, the God/man, Jesus Christ Himself! The vertical movement of angels is indicative of condescension and ascension. The ordained means of communion, reconciliation, and redemption with God. Through the course of Jesus' ministry, thus we note: the heavens opened in supernatural revelation and angelic visitation signaling supernatural activity in service to God's will for the salvation of His people. In these passages we witness Jacob's ladder in Jesus Christ.

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