Testing the new Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider in Flight Simulator

2 years ago

We are testing the newly released Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider from Hangar Studios 713 in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

From the developer: "This plane is a bit of a Frankenstein with multiple Asobo assets used with completely native design. Exterior model was finished with very limited knowledge and a few pictures of the actual aircraft by B4Gunner as well. The rest is merge of multiple Systems/ Flight models/ Textures and 3D modeling from Asobo assets configured to fit into the cockpit and the landing gear system. All animations work as intended except for the steering(still have an issue with the contact points/Center of gravity(WIP)), but it will steer with brake differential just fine. I gave it a spoiler for speed control with some custom 3D modeling of the hinge used from another project I am currently still developing (It's also stealthy) and have been working on for over a year. The Raider was made to be fun to fly and all systems that are included work for now except the payload(s) - Major WIP there."

You can download this plane free here: https://flightsim.to/file/46567/northrop-grumman-b-21-raider

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