2 years ago

Well, it’s because something’s in the vaccine that you want people to then have as a part of their body.

Well, what is in the vaccine that you want everybody to have inside their body?

It is a DNA manipulator or modifier.

I mentioned earlier third strand DNA. There is already — you can find this on the internet — in existence a third strand of DNA constructed of silicon. Again we go back to the silicon chip and computers. The third strand is made of silicon and is also coated in gold. If you talk about nano technology and nano layers, this is extremely thin coating of gold down to a billionth of a millimeter of gold, that is coating the silicon — from which you are building a third strand of DNA. The purpose of the gold is to increase the surface area around this strand so that more information can be digitally imparted or programmed.

You’re — essentially what you’re doing is — you’re creating a third strand of DNA. You are transferring that or imparting it into a person’s body through a vaccine — that that person’s demanding because they’re afraid of contracting MERS coronavirus or avian flu or whatever it may be.

And so the government, if you will, or the powers that be, sit back and they kind of chuckle when they say; ‘Well, we couldn’t have forced people to take this vaccine or to take this hidden third strand of DNA. They would rebel against it. But if we create the problem and present the solution, people will demand the solution. Thus, we achieve our ultimate goal of having this DNA in every person changed.”

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