The UN’s New World Religion | Beyond the Cover

2 years ago

It is becoming increasingly well-known and understood that the UN’s “climate” agenda is about shackling the planet in the name of saving it. At last November’s “climate” COP27 conference in Egypt, the UN took another step in this direction by calling for climate reparations entailing a gargantuan transfer of wealth from the United States and other developed nations to poor nations supposedly suffering from the bad effects of climate change. But less well known than the UN’s political/economic power grab is the emerging New World (Green) Religion that is occurring in tandem. Yet the religious implications of the UN’s overall agenda, according to The New American’s Alex Newman, is even more important than the UN’s very serious and frightful political machinations. In this interview with “Beyond the Cover” host Gary Benoit, Newman explains why.
Newman attended COP27,  where the New World Religion was on full display. He is also the author of “The UN’s New World Religion” and other articles about the UN’s “climate” agenda in the January 16, 2023 issue of The New American magazine.
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