updates & sweatin to the oldies

2 years ago

but do make sure you check out www.aaroncorbitt.com and be sure to follow me on every social network or like And subscribe to my YouTube or twitch or all of the above. new merch coming soon! and round table holistic healing chats with some big names in that field and the Tesla type healing science field in regards to YouTube Fame and some of the greats of our time that otherwise you'd never hear of! keep an ear to the ground, yo.

the singing is considered fair use because it is not for commercial use my channel is not monetized and those things shall and will always be perpetual or in perpetuity if you're a lawyer reading this. just demonstrating vocal talent the only way someone with no musical skills can. and it's likely that no one watched the stream whatsoever anyway, so it doesn't matter. thank you for releasing this claim in advance!

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