Prerequisites for the Lord's Return - Session 8

2 years ago

Without a clear understanding of the revelation of the mystery of the Christ as explained through the Apostle Paul, there remains much misunderstanding and mixing of the eschatology of Israel and that of the church. In Prerequisites For the Lord's Return - Session 8, Doug clears up the confusion about the marriage of the Lamb to His bride, the church, as it is conducted and consummated in heaven, and the marriage supper of the Lamb is the celebration here on earth with expectant Israel depicted as the wise virgins who are the attendants awaiting the bridegroom and His wife.

As the bride of Christ, it is our responsibility to make ourselves ready for our Bridegroom, to become without spot or wrinkle. There is to be the washing of the water of the word and the cleansing of the blood of Jesus to deal with our sins (spots) and the work of the cross in our lives to deliver us from our flesh and the vestiges of the old man (wrinkles), that we are clothed in white, walking in purity and righteousness as we await and hasten His coming.

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