July 4, 2022 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... You will walk through the Fire without being scorched

2 years ago

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You will walk through the Fire without being scorched

July 4, 2022 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord Jesus, please help that our faith will be unwavering even in the face of danger… Amen. Today we were prompted to talk about some of the things coming to this world. I have to admit they are threatening, so right away the Lord addressed them in the message.

(Jesus) “Truly you are finally getting it. I have this under control, you will walk through the fire without being scorched. Yes, just like the three in the fiery furnace who refused the Babylonian gods.

“As you are faithful to Me, and as you cleave to Me, as you lean only on My understanding, as you are obedient and refuse to go into agreement with the demons’ programming lies, you will be safe and secure. I will send you many just like you and together you will stand in the face of adversity, completely defying the laws of the universe.

“You will flourish in the gifts, ministering to one another, those who I have sent to be a part of this end times prayer army. Over and over again you will defy the odds of being captured. Not by your stealth but by My anointing.

“Clare, I can even defy AI (Artificial Intelligence). There is no power like Mine. Many will be the victories of My power. And when it seems like you have reached the end of your ability to endure, then I will send you fresh graces. I will be with you at all times, I only ask you to be alert, pay attention to My signs and whispers to your heart. It will be a time on Earth as it has never been before and along with that will be the graces to handle everything the enemy sends you.

“You will be astounded with the things I will do, things you never considered possible. You will begin to understand Heaven and how the Earth operates, in such a way that praying for a mountain to move will not seem outrageous anymore.

“Yes, My dove, you have discerned rightly, things are coming now, they have been waiting for the right time, and this is the right time. You are coming out of the rapids which you were in with the vision about the boat, and what is the ingredient that has been missing? Faith, to allow Me to do as I please with you, no matter how outrageous it was to you before.

“Desperate times call for desperate graces. I will lead you along this path slowly until you are completely accustomed to My ways and the glory of My power. I tell you these things now because it will take time for them to sink in. This is merely an introduction into what I will do to protect My people. And if they lead you to the guillotine, rejoice, for in only seconds you will be ecstatically rejoicing with Me, in My arms.

“As you are teaching all to have faith, that what they see, is My gift to them, because I long to be seen and heard and accepted, even like all of you long for the same. You will understand My nature and receive My gifts and thank Me. I have so much love to give, all that stands in My way is the wall of unbelief you have constructed to protect your sanity – for fear of being deluded. This is the weapon of choice to shut up My prophets. Please, outgrow this damaging wall, tear it down and let Me come in. I continue to knock on your heart, please remove the wall, and use this Scripture to do it…

(John 14:15-21) If you love Me, you shall guard My commands. And I shall ask the Father, and He shall give you another Helper to stay with you forever – the Spirit of truth – whom the world is unable to receive, because it does not see Him or know Him. But you know Him, for He stays with you and shall be in you. I shall not leave you orphans – I am coming to you. Yet a little while, and the world no longer sees Me, but you shall see Me, because I live, you shall live. In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I in you. He who possesses My commands and guards them is the one who loves Me. And He who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and manifest Myself to him.

(Jesus) “Have I not taught you to believe in My Word? You cannot side-step this Scripture, so please do not continue in your unbelief, come to prayer knowing I am faithful and will fulfill this promise to you, only renounce unbelief, and fear of man and all the lies of Satan. His job is to keep you deaf and blind so you can be led into error. In these times, you can no longer afford to be deaf and blind. There is too much error in the world that is so dangerous to your souls. Come now, My Beloved ones, cast out your doubts, I live in you, and you shall see and hear Me. Come, take My hand and allow Me to establish this relationship with you.”

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