Episode 94 - We stand with those injured

2 years ago

New month, New Topic!

This month we are going back to talking about “Conspiracy Theories” with a dash of personal experience for you!

Let’s end 2022 with a bang shall we?! Almost one year ago we launched our first episode about “Juice” injury. It seems suiting that one year later we bring this back up and bring back the focus of the injured.

Putting all divisive rhetoric aside, let’s look at the humans injured. These folks aren’t the terrible “anti-juice” crazy right wing nutted theorists the media claims them to be, these are people like you who chose or got force to get this jibber jabber and now dealing with mild to SEVERE reactions; up to and including death.

Now, if you are one of those who took it and you feel fabulous then FUCK YA BUD, GO OFF BOO, we happy for you 🙏🏼 But don’t be fooled to think that others haven’t.

Just recently the CDC announced it is no longer a pandemic of the un-juiced, the juicys’ are taking over the case counts and death counts too :( Not something any of us wanted to see. Like at all. Ever.

We truly wanted to be the crazy ones. Join us on this episode as we bring on a special guest Dione who has been fighting for bodily autonomy, the truth and Canadians since 2020.

Dione and her team hold a candle light vigil every weekend in Grande Prairie to shed light for those that can’t. These are dark times my babes, but we can be the light.

Don’t lose hope, faith and the power you have within to make changes. Use your voice. It is your most powerful tool. Stand with those injured.♥️

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