Elon Musk Just EXPOSED What China Is Hiding On The Moon! | Exposed

2 years ago

Elon Musk Just EXPOSED What China Is Hiding On The Moon! | Exposed

China plans to build reusable rockets similar to the Falcon-9 and to compete with SpaceX. China won the space race in 2021, with a record 55 launches beyond Earth's orbit, including two astronaut flights to its still-under-construction Space Station. Beijing is now setting new standards as it attempts to develop reusable rockets akin to SpaceX's Falcon-9. The next generation of launch vehicles will be utilized to deliver astronauts and supplies to the Tiangong space station. And this year has already seen 50 launches. However, the Chinese launch company Landspace failed on Wednesday in its maiden attempt to launch a methane-fueled rocket into orbit. What actually occurred? And do you believe China will be able to launch Falcon 9-like rockets?
Just after the Tesla and SpaceX CEO disclosed one of China's breathtaking lunar discoveries, Elon Musk and China recently collaborated. Why did China find and keep the moon's far side hidden? Extraterrestrial life has finally been discovered. joins us as we discuss Elon Musk's latest news of China's spectacular finding on the moon's far side.
Before the Chinese Space Rover powered down for its daily siesta to shelter itself from the noon sun during its mission to investigate the moon's far side, one of the scientists running the Space Rover observed something peculiar. When they examined one of the photographs taken by the Moon Lander, they saw an oddly colored material.
They have a gel-like composition. The Space Rover crew immediately abandoned their preparations to power down the moon robot and began investigating the issue. The lustra spot, as well as the rover's visual and near-infrared spectrometers, were used to observe the material. However, neither the findings of that analysis nor the photographs of the fabric have been shared, leading to suspicion.

The most plausible explanation for the occurrence is that the lu illustrious spot is not a gel, but rather some type of glossy molten glass created when a meteorite impacted the moon. Mahesh Anand, a planetary scientist at the Open University in the United Kingdom, concurred, but not entirely.
He stated that it would be difficult to confirm. The substance is made up of very little knowledge about the set phenomena, but he gave the material the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was a sort of glass. The observed phenomenon is related to a minor impact crater. This discovery might be highly interesting since it suggests that a whole other substance could be discovered.

You're eight. This would be considerably more significant if these items were found to have come into contact with water. A scientist from Syracuse University concurred with the theory, stating the material may be lunar dust transformed into class by a meteorite impact. While various phenomena on Earth, such as waves, wind, and volcanoes, may produce and modify intriguing geology, meteorites are the only thing that can reshape the moon's surface.

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