
2 years ago

As if the pain of unbearable loss isn’t bad enough, those deceived now speaking out to search for answers receive ridicule & hate on all sides for being either a conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxer or a child-murdering negligent parent.

There’s something lacking from both sides. People who are suffering don’t need our judgment, they need our compassion!!

I chose to juxtapose the audio to visuals of MSM propaganda specifically targeted at deceived parents desiring to protect their children. Anger is low hanging fruit. But while righteous indignation & passionate rebuke of evil is warranted, a call for compassion is equally needed in these dark times.

Relentless nefarious diabolical deceptions from power mongering demons have unleashed unparalleled amounts of pain & carnage on the world with their “vaccine” vessels of death.

We see them.

But be sure you also see those they harmed who are suffering greatly in the wake of their destruction, and extend grace & compassion to those who need it.

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