2 years ago

QUADS: ATV ADVENTURES @ SANDBOX (PORAC PAMPANGA) https://www.alviera.ph/adventure/sandbox/
One of the first outdoor attractions of Alviera is SandBox, a two-hectare adventure destination with a unique selection of facilities that provide a memorable outdoor experience for everyone. SandBox has Asia’s first roller coaster zip line and the tallest giant swing in the Philippines. Of course, there are other attractions to enjoy individually, as a pair or a group. Other fun outdoor activities in Pampanga’s SandBox include archery, all-terrain vehicle (ATV), and utility task vehicle (UTV) driving. All of these provide a thrilling adventure for those who wish to satisfy their need for speed and build their strength.

SandBox at Alviera is a unique getaway spot for families. Located within Ayala Land’s mixed-use development estate Alviera, it redefines outdoor adventure and fun in Pampanga. It features a full stretch of exciting attractions that will surely make everyone appreciate the outdoors. Everyone in the family has something to do here from the playground for the toddlers to mini golf for the grandparents. With a mountain range along the horizon and the surrounding vast plains, SandBox is definitely the place for outdoor family fun in the North.

We have something for people of all ages, making the SandBox ideal for fun activities with family and friends:

There is the Giant Swing, the country’s tallest swing. Each swing can accommodate three guests at a time and rocks back and forth at 10 meters above the ground.

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