Neon Exegesis: Evangelion - Ep 11 & 10

1 year ago

Yes, I meant eleven then ten. I must've slipped and hit the wrong button, but screw it, we'll watch 11 first, then 10. Honestly at this point in the series, we're sort of on the filler episodes. Nothing gets spoiled, and not a lot happens in the way of internal plot development, nor external thematic, theological or meaningful development either. I think the most development takes place in Asuka's personality and um.... her... personality. If you don't hate her by the end of Ep. 11, you haven't been paying attention. Otherwise, a few big question relating to plot and reality are only questioned then thrown to the wind, just touched on and forgotten. But they'll come back, I promise.

If you're trying to skim this series, go ahead and skip these two, ferreal. What you're missing here is that Asuka actually does have a little bit of strategy chops, and otherwise is an attention whore, big surprise. Second, the crew starts wondering why are the bad guys called "angels," aren't they supposed to be the good guys then? And where do they come from? They seem to just randomly appear or teleport to earth or something. Noticeably absent from questions: WHY IS IT ALWAYS TOKYO(-3)??

Last, spoiler: Misato totes has a scar in an interesting place, and Asuka quasi relates because she has a complicated past too. Also not a surprise, and these will both be detailed in later episodes, of course.

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